Release Notes
Jumpstart UI
- Updated Decanter to version 6.2.7
React Paragraphs
- Updated help text display for link and ckeditor fields
Stanford Basic
- Updated Decanter to version 6.2.7
Stanford Events
- Improved accessibility of the mini calendar
- Added shared tags feature
- Added import of more fields from Localist system and allowed those to be used as arguments in the list paragraphs.
- Tags
- Department
- Subject
Stanford Person
- Updated people list style
- Updated styles to match change to a list
Stanford Media
- Added “Transliteration Filenames” to modify file names upon uploading.
Stanford Profile
- Adjusted lists displays to use HTML lists for increased accessibility.
- Updated help text on media caption field text
- Added twitter card metadata for person content
- Added <object> and <param> to allowed tags in embeddables
- People term pages: display only child terms groupings
- Added Stanford Courses and Importer
- Permits the use of multiple basic page types and changed widget
- Configured display location to only display location address once for event list
- Adjusted profile link URL for Stanford-only profiles when using the person importer
- Created shared tags vocabulary, fields, and lists
- Added responsive table support
- Adjusted taxonomy term pages for events, news, people, etc to expose layout builder for users with that access.
Stanford Profile Helper
- Set up the footer text to inherit the smaller size
- Adjusted scheduler help text
- Added utility classes for tables
- Updated Decanter to version 6.2.7
Bug Fixes
Stanford Events
- Changed gray background of Mini Calendar to white
Stanford Media
- Fixed bulk upload form for any private file paths
Stanford Person
- Fixed don’t remove “~” in workgroups for the importer when using personal workgroups.
Stanford Profile
- Fixes “do not require” lockup option select, prevent requiring lockup fields
Stanford Profile Helper
- Fixed people term list style