Main content start
Taxonomy provide a way to group similar types of information together, which can be leveraged to categorize content and improve your site's flow.
Taxonomy within Stanford Sites consists of vocabularies and taxonomy terms. Taxonomy terms are labels that can be applied to a node, while vocabularies are collections of terms. For example, a vocabulary called Event Type could contain the terms “Conference” and “Lecture”.
Stanford Sites contains vocabularies and terms for Events, News, Person, and Publication content types. To learn more about how each of these is used throughout your site, navigate to their respective pages:
- Events Taxonomy
- News Taxonomy
- Person Taxonomy
- Publications Taxonomy
- Shared Tags
- Courses Taxonomy
- Basic Page Type
Managing taxonomies
You can add, edit, and delete taxonomy terms in the taxonomy configuration section of your site.
Navigating to the Taxonomy administration page
- In the administrative toolbar select Manage then hover over Structure > Taxonomy.
- A listing of all vocabularies should appear.
- To manage a specific vocabulary, click on List terms.
Adding new taxonomy terms
- Within the taxonomy vocabulary you are managing, click Add term.
- Add term name and any additional details.
- Click Save.
Editing taxonomy terms
- Within the taxonomy vocabulary you are managing, find the term you would like to edit under the Name category.
- On the same line as the term you would like to edit, click on the button that reads Edit under the Operations category.
- Edit term details.
- Click Save.
Deleting taxonomy terms
- Within the taxonomy vocabulary you are managing, find the term you would like to delete under the Name category.
- On the same line as the term you would like to delete, click on the dropdown arrow button next to the “Edit” button under the Operations category.
- Click Delete.
- You will be routed to an additional page for final deletion confirmation.
Related Topics

Shared Tags
Shared Tags are terms that can be applied to any content on your site.
Taxonomy Best Practices
The Taxonomy Structure provides a vocabulary set for each of the default Content Types