Person Profile Page
With the addition of the Person content type and the dynamic People List Page to Stanford Sites, you can now easily present, organize, and categorize a listing of the people in your organization.
Person profiles can be added locally to your website, or can be configured to integrate with your organization’s Stanford Profiles (CAP) using the Person Importer.
Add a Person Profile
- Hover over All Content > Add Content in the administrative toolbar, and click Person.
- Add Name & Titles, Taxonomy, Bio & Content, Contact & Location Information, and Interests & Affiliations as desired.
- If you are adding a profile image, use the person's name for the alternative text.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
- Leave the check box next to “Published” marked to have the Person published, or uncheck to make them unpublished.
- Click Save.
Add a Person Profile to navigation
The a Person Profile can be placed in the main menu.
Learn more about adding a page to the main menu
Update an existing Person
- Click on All Content in the administrative toolbar.
- In the filter section, click on the arrow under Content type and select Person.
- Click Filter to show a list of all people created using the Person content type.
- Find the Person you are trying to edit, and click on the Edit button that appears on the same line as that Person.
- Edit Person details as desired.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.
Delete an existing person
- Click on All Content in the administrative toolbar.
- In the filter section, click on the arrow under Content type and select Person.
- Click Filter to show a list of all people created using the Person content type.
- Find the Person you are trying to delete, and click on the arrow icon next to the Edit button that appears on the same line as that Person.
- Click Delete.
- A second delete confirmation will appear. To confirm deletion, click Delete.
What is the best profile link to use?
The person edit form provides fields for linking to other profile pages for more complete information. At Stanford, we have at least two websites that provide people profile information:
- Profiles:
- StanfordWho:
Choosing one may be dependent on the purpose of your website. You may also choose to link to the person's personal website. Keep in mind that profiles on either system are sometimes set to "Stanford-Only."
Profiles provides two views for each person. There's
- Public:<person's name>
- Intranet (requires authentication):<person's name>
Unless your audience is internal, you will want to use the public view.

Person Taxonomy
How to group people using person taxonomy terms
Person Importer
The Stanford Person Importer allows you to pull directory information that is publicly displayed on members of your organization’s Stanford Profiles (CAP) at