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Event Content Type

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You have the power to build and present your events with detailed schedule information, including sessions dates/times, location, speaker details, and more. This page covers the basics of adding an individual event to your site. 

Create an event

There are two ways to create event content on your site. You may enter an event directly onto your site, or you may import events from This guide covers adding an event to your site by hand. To learn more about importing events automatically, learn more about our Events Importer.

  1. In the Administrative Toolbar, select All Content > Add Content > Event.
  2. Select the Event Type.
  3. Add Event Title.
  4. Add editorial content, body content, event details, and schedule details as desired.
  5. At the bottom of the page, check the box next to “Published” to have the Event item published, or uncheck to make the item unpublished.
  6. Click Save.

Managing event content

Events will automatically be removed from event listings created with the Lists Paragraph or on the Event Lists Pages when the date has passed. However, that content is still published on your site. It will show up on your past events list page and can appear in search results on your site. If you do not wish to keep past events on your site, you can delete them just as you would any other content or you may choose to bulk delete them.


Add a schedule to your event

The Event Schedule allows you to break up your individual event into multiple parts, each with its own session date/times, headline, description, location, and speaker details, displaying important schedule information in an understandable and visually pleasing manner.

Additionally, listing of the speaker can be used within your schedule to add and display speaker information for each Schedule item. This information includes fields for Image, Name, Title, and Link. 

The items included in the schedule section will be displayed at the bottom of the body content on the event detail page. By default the items will be listed in chronological order of date and time. Items with no date and time are displayed at the top of the list in alphabetical order.

Note: Please note that you cannot rearrange the order in which schedule items are displayed to the end user. They will display using the default settings noted above.

Create an Event Schedule

  1. After navigating to the edit page for the Event you are creating a schedule for, scroll to the bottom of the page until you reach the Schedule Details section.
  2. Click Add Schedule to add an Event schedule item.
  3.  Add details for a schedule item (Date & Time, Headline, Description, Location, URL) as desired.
  4. To add speaker details, click Add another speaker.
  5. Within the Person CTA, add Image, Name, Title, and Link as desired.
  6. To add an additional speaker, click Add another speaker, and fill out relevant details.
  7. To add an additional schedule item (for example: if you have multiple sessions in your event), click Add Schedule, and fill out details in the same manner as steps 3-6.
  8. Once your Event Schedule is complete, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click Save.

Edit an Event Schedule

  1. After navigating to the edit page for the Event you are editing a schedule for, scroll to the bottom of the page until you reach the Schedule Details section.
  2. Click the Edit button that appears on the same line as the schedule item you are trying to edit.
  3. Edit Event schedule item details as desired.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Remove an Event Schedule

  1. After navigating to the edit page for the Event you are removing a schedule for, scroll to the bottom of the page until you reach the Schedule Details section.
  2. Click the Edit button that appears on the same line as the Schedule you are trying to edit.
  3. Click on the arrow icon next to the Edit button that appears on the same line as the Schedule you are trying to remove.
  4. Click Remove.
  5. A second removal confirmation will appear. Click Confirm Removal.


Can I add a photo?

If you want to include the photo with your event, use the Body fieldunder Body Content. Stanford Sites does not yet support a featured image for each event.

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