Event Taxonomy
Your site comes with two taxonomy vocabularies associated with Events — the Event Audience vocabulary, and the Event Types vocabulary. By default, these vocabularies include a number of useful terms, and site managers have the ability to add, edit, or delete these terms.
Note: Stanford Sites does not support nested taxonomy terms for Events.
Event Audience vocabulary
The Event Audience vocabulary allows you to define the audience your Event is targeted for. This vocabulary initially includes the terms Alumni/Friends, Faculty/Staff, General Public, Members, and Students.
Once terms have been added to the Event Audience vocabulary, they will appear on the Event node Edit page.

Selected Audiences within the Event node Edit page will be displayed in the Event Details section of your Event page.

Event Types vocabulary
The Event Types vocabulary allows you to specify what type of Event is occurring. This vocabulary initially includes the terms Conference / Symposium, Lecture / Reading, and Seminar.
Once terms have been added to the Event Types vocabulary, they will appear under the Event Type filter on Event List Page and the Event node Edit page.

The selected Event Type — through the Event node Edit page — will be displayed in multiple places, including above your Event headline, on the Event List Page, and within the Event List Results Page, which displays all of the upcoming events with the same Event Type. In this example, if Seminar was selected, that Event would be included in the Seminar Event Type List page at [your site url]/events/seminar.
You can add more than one Event Type to an Event. Clicking the "Add Another Item" button will let you add as many as you may require. Please note, however, that on list paragraphs and the Events landing page, only the first Event Type you selected will be displayed. The full list of Event Types will be visible at the end of the Event page itself.

Defining the URL for an Event
When creating an event, the Event Type is used when creating the URL. It is possible for an Event to have multiple Event Types. However, the URL for an Event will be based on the first Event type selected. To change the URL you can either:
- delete the event and re-add it with the correct Event type selected first
- if you have permission, you can edit the URL alias at Configuration > Search and Metadata > URL Alias
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