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Publications Content Type

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With Publications for Stanford Sites, you can list books, journal articles, news and magazine articles, and thesis dissertations using APA or Chicago citation styles. This includes the ability to link out to an external URL or to a detailed individual publication page.

A default list page with a filter by topics bar for Publications is available. Additionally, publications can be added to any page via the Lists Paragraph type and displayed in either APA or Chicago format.

The order of publications displayed are sorted in descending order based on year, month, and date. Then, it sorts alphabetically by title.

Add a Publication

  1. In the Administrative Toolbar, select Manage (if needed), then hover over All Content > Add Content and click Publication.
  2. Add required publication Title.
  3. In the Citation Information section, choose your desired publication type and click Add Citation.
  • The “Other” citation style can be used for publications in-review, interviews, and white papers for faculty, students, and postdocs. You can use taxonomy terms in conjunction with the "Other" citation style to create custom lists of these types of publications. 

    Screenshot illustrating how to use Publications
  • Depending on the publication type selected, additional citation information fields will appear (e.g. Author, Date, External Link, etc.). Once you have filled those fields to your liking, click Create Citation

    Screenshot illustrating how to use Publications
  • Note on adding an External Link: By adding an external URL, all listings of the publication will link to the external source instead of a page on your website.
  1. In the Publication Topic Terms section, add previously-created Publication Topic Terms as desired. See Publications Taxonomy for more information. 

    Screenshot illustrating how to use Publications
Screenshot illustrating how to use Publications


2. In the Components section, you can add paragraphs and content to your individual publication page. Note: this page will only display if no external link is added into Citation Information. Here is an example page, which lists the citation information, taxonomy terms, and components of a Banner and Text Area.
Edit Page:

Screenshot illustrating how to use Publications

Displayed as: 

Screenshot illustrating how to use Publications
  1. Add optional Call to Action Button.
  2. Click Save.

Manage Publications

You can see a listing of your publications in the Content admin page. From this page, you can also add, edit, or delete publications.

  1. In the Administrative Toolbar, select Manage (if needed), then click on All Content.
  2. In the filter section, click on the arrow under Content type and select Publication.
  3. Click Filter to show a list of all Publications created using the Publication content type. 

    Screenshot illustrating how to use Publications

Publication Taxonomy

The Publication Topics vocabulary gives you the ability to organize and categorize your publication content with taxonomy terms. These publication terms are included in the Filter by Topic bar in the default Publications list page, and can also be used as arguments within the Lists paragraph, which allows you to create organized lists of publications on any page.

See Publication Taxonomy for more information.

Related Topics

The Publication Type vocabulary gives you the ability to organize and categorize your publication content with taxonomy terms.
The scheduler functionality allows you to schedule the publication of web pages.