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Site Launch Checklist

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Congratulations on building your new site!

To make sure that your site is launch-ready, please review the following pre-launch content checklist and logistics.

 Pre-launch content checklist 

  1. Are you aware of your responsibilities to keep your content accessible?
  2. Is your content ready? See the Site content health checklist.
  3. Does your site title or logo meet Stanford branding guidelines?
  4. Have you updated the Local Footer to contain information relevant to your site?
  5. Do you have permission to use all images?
  6. Does your site need to be approved by anyone before launch?


  • Do you need to create redirects for any specific pages from your old website (if applicable) to ensure users can still find key content? Learn about URL redirects.
  • Have you requested approval for your subdomain name (URL) if one does not already exist? (Note: Stanford Web Services will handle the switchover for you once your site is ready to launch.) 
  • Have you logged into SiteImprove? Once your site is launched, you will be given access to the reports for your new site, but establishing a user account there by logging in via Stanford SSO is required first.
  • If you have your subdomain on the VanityURL service, have you deleted it or transferred it to SWS? Taking care of this step before launch will make your site launch process smoother.
  • Have you configured Google Analytics or other analytics tool for your new site? Learn about Marketing and Analytics.
  • Have you prepared the necessary communications for your audience regarding the launch of your site?
  • Do you want to request that a copy of your old website be stored by the Stanford Web Archiving Service?

 Ready to launch?

SWS launches sites on Mondays - Thursdays during business hours only. During peak periods, some dates may not be available.

Already working with Stanford Web Services?

If you are a Stanford Web Services client, you will receive assistance from your project team at every step, including Google Analytics, redirects setup, testing, vhost request, and post-launch monitoring. Please contact your project lead with any questions.

Self-service site?

If you built your own site on Stanford Sites, please submit a launch request below. We are happy to assist with getting your subdomain name in place. We request at least 5 business days' notice to ensure we have staff available to help.

Submit a site launch request

Site retirement

If you had an older version of the same site on Stanford Sites, we will assume that the older site version can be deleted unless otherwise specified on the launch request. You can also submit a separate request to delete a website through the form below.

Submit a request to delete your website

Post-launch content maintenance

Congratulations on launching a site on Stanford's centrally supported platform!  Stanford Web Services is happy to provide all maintenance, security, code accessibility, and support for your site, allowing you to focus on the information you are communicating to your site visitors. 

Websites require content updates to keep them relevant and in compliance with the latest university policies. If you need a hand with content, we are happy to help! We can provide ongoing support for site updates, broken links, and accessibility issues. We can also provide one-time support when you need an extra pair of hands or onboarding support for a new web editor. Learn more about our site building, user experience, and content-related services.

Website Support Retainer

Website Accessibility Services

Digital Strategy Consulting

User Experience Research Consulting