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Shared Tags

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You can use Shared Tags to group content of any content type. 

Shared tags should be terms that are universal to a site’s content and/or the subject areas. For example, "water" is a shared tag that could be applied to a News, Event, and Publication item.

Add Shared Tags

  1. In the Administrative Toolbar, select Structure > Taxonomy. 

    Screenshot illustrating how to use Shared Tags


  2. Locate the Shared Tag vocabulary set. Under List terms, select Add terms. 

    Screenshot illustrating how to use Shared Tags

3. Under Name, write the shared tag you would like to add.

Screenshot illustrating how to use Shared Tags

4. Click Save.

Apply Shared tags to any content page. 

  1. Navigate to [your site url]/user (i.e.
  2. Log onto the site using your SUNet ID.
  3. Navigate to the page you would like to add a shared tag to and click Edit.
  4. Navigate to the Shared Tag section at the bottom. Use the dropdown menu to select the tag. 

    Screenshot illustrating how to use Shared Tags


      For Basic Page, click into the Page Metadata. 

    Screenshot illustrating how to use Shared Tags
  5. Click Save.

Note: Shared Tags only support content authors in curating and featuring related content. They are NOT visible to end-users. 

Related Topics

Taxonomy provide a way to group similar types of information together, which can be leveraged to categorize content and improve your site's flow.
Use a Basic Page Type vocabulary set to create terms and categories for any Basic Page.