Release Notes
- Upgraded sites to Drupal 9
- See Drupal 9 Upgrade Won’t Require a Rebuild for more information.
Stanford Basic
- Added support for main navigation drop-down menus.
- See Drop-Down Menus for more information.
Stanford Profile
- Added support for image galleries.
- See Image Gallery for more information.
Stanford Publications
- Added support for publications listings.
- See Publications for more information.
Bug Fixes
Stanford Events
- Fixed issue where deleted schedule items were still being displayed.
- Adjusted the date alignment in events lists to display horizontally while in multiple paragraphs per row.
- Adjusted the mailto and extlink icons to match text color.
- Adjusted heading spacing to align with other dynamic list pages.
Stanford Media
- Improved embeddable media handling.
Stanford News
- Adjusted font-size and removed extra link icon for news article cards with no image.
- Adjusted heading spacing to align with other dynamic list pages.
Stanford Person
- Fixed extra spacing created on a person list.
- Adjusted heading spacing to align with other dynamic list pages.
Stanford Profile Helper
- Added some spacing on lists in columns.
- Fixed news list alignment issues.
- Adjusted the margin bottom for the card list view for news and events when in a column.
- Centered the title and button for teasers.
- Added spacing to the bottom of the intro block on Events, News and People.
- Fixed the styles for the navigation menu and footer action links.