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Stanford Sites v5.4.0 Released – 11/21/2024
Newest release contains an accordion as well as bug and accessibility fixes
Release Notes
Version 5.4.0 was a minor release and included the following:
FAQ - Accordion List
- Added an FAQ Accordion List paragraph that can be added to single column layouts.
- Adjusted person display for lists and improved image resolution
- Updated metadata for image sizes
- Adjusted embeddable media so that embed codes with captions respect 100% widths on iframes
- Added modal colorbox image display choices in the Text Area paragraph and other components that allow rich media
- Omitted default favicons if a custom favicon is uploaded in the theme settings
- Improved spacing for home pages that do not include a banner image
- Adjusted the left padding on some pages
- Added a version of the global footer to the Minimally Branded Subtheme so that people/group sites have the required legal notices
Site Ownership Information
- Fixed contact information redirect logic
- Added aria label to masthead section
- Adjusted skip to main content location in the DOM
- Fixed to back-to-top button placement
- Made changes so that article tags on cards are used only when a header is provided
- Updated links from to
- Hid description field on menu link content form to prevent inaccessible tooltips
- Adjusted Editori11y settings on Stanford Sites Intranet to reduce warnings for links to external documents
- Scoped google analytics cookies to the individual site and reduced cookie lifespan to better support privacy/consent