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Manage Page Paths

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The path is the part of the URL that comes after the domain name. 

So for example, the link to our syllabus for intro to Stanford Sites can be found at:

In this example is the domain name.

/support/introduction-stanford-sites-syllabus is the path. 

On Stanford Sites, each page gets a path with a unique number. It it looks like /node/66. Each page also can have an alias. An alias is a more friendly, readable path, like the example above. Each page may have only one alias.

Automatic aliases

Stanford Sites automatically creates a alias for a page when it is saved. These reflect the structure of the site.

Basic Page and Policy paths

For Basic Page and Policy, the path is calculated by using the page title and the menu path. For example, a page called "About" at the top level of the main menu, would get this alias /about. If another page was made called "Our Team", and that page was nested below the "About" page, the generated path would be /about/our-team.

Updates to a page title or page menu location automatically result in an update to the alias. The old alias is then converted into a redirect. If, for example, the "Our Team" page was moved into the top level of the menu, the new alias would be /our-team. If a user went to /about/our-team, they would be redirected to /our-team.

Automatic aliases for news, events and other structured content

Structured content also gets an automatic alias following these patterns (where page-title would be created from the title of the page:

  • News: /news/page-title
  • Events: /events/page-title
  • Person: /people/page-title
  • Event Series: /events/series/page-title
  • Publication: /publications/page-title

Adjusting the URL alias on an individual page

You can also manage the URL alias for an individual page if you do not wish to use the automatically created alias. 

On the edit o create a custom alias, uncheck Generate automatic URL alias and enter your desired alias in the URL alias field.



The path is not showing up correctly. It is displaying as a submenu when it has it's own page. 
Make sure the URL alias is going to the correct path. Hit save to commit your changes.

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