FAQ - Accordion List
The FAQ - Accordion List paragraph creates an expandable list that is well-suited to long lists of questions and answers. This guide covers how to create an Accordion List on your page and best practices for using accordions.
FAQ Accordion List features
Editable fields
- Headline. An optional headline which can be set to heading levels H2, H3, or H4.
- Description. An optional description for the FAQ - Accordion List that supports media, headings, and more.
- Accordion. A question/answer pair. The FAQ - Accordion List supports a flexible number of individual Accordions.
- Title/Question. This is a text field that can be used for a short phrase or question.
- Body/Answer. This is a longer field that can be used for the response/additional information. This field supports basic HTML and is limited to 1000 characters.
- Add Accordion. By clicking this button, your question will be saved and a new section will be created for the next question.
The FAQ - Accordion List includes toggles to expand/collapse each Accordion. There is also a button that can be used to expand or collapse all Accordions.
Add an FAQ - Accordion List
The FAQ - Accordion List can be added in any one-column layout on any content type. To add the FAQ - Accordion List to a page, add a new paragraph to your layout and select the FAQ - Accordion List.
Example of Accordion
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Best Practices
The FAQ - Accordion List is most effective when visitors to your site only need a few key pieces of information. FAQ-style pages often use an accordion because site visitors are typically only looking for the answer to a single question. Keep in mind the following best practices.
- Accordions should be used sparingly, and only if needed to provide a comprehensive overview of a lengthy amount of content.
- Many site visitors will skim your page. They may overlook information hidden in accordions. If you want or expect a visitor to read all of the information on a page, consider using sections with clearly marked headers instead of an accordion.
- Accordions work best with multiple items. Visitors may miss the interactive elements of a single accordion item. We strongly recommend against using the FAQ - Accordion List with a single accordion item.