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Person Importer

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The Stanford Person Importer allows you to pull public information from Using the Person Importer is an important way to empower your people to control the public display of their own information. We strongly encourage the use of this feature whenever it is feasible.

Any changes to the profile from will be updated daily. After the person’s profile has been imported, it is possible to add additional information to the node. The user's CAP profile on must be set to 'public' in order for the import to function correctly.

CAP Credentials

  • Make sure you enter your CAP credentials on the form. 
  • These are required fields.

What can be imported

  • On a public site, the Person Importer will import only publicly available data from 
  • On a Stanford Sites Intranet, the Person importer can pull Stanford-Only data from
  • Alumni data cannot be imported at this time.

Other ways to create profiles

Although importing person profiles is recommended, it is possible to add a person’s profile directly to your website by following the user guide instructions for the Person Profile Page content type. This can be important when adding profiles for people who do not have a current affiliation with the University, alumni who do not have an active profile on, etc.

Fields Imported by Stanford Profiles (CAP)

The following fields are imported by Stanford Profiles and will need to be edited directly at as they are hidden locally. Imported fields will only display if they are marked as "Public" on public sites, and "Stanford-Only" on intranets.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Short Title
  • Full Title
  • Photo
  • Bio Body Text
  • Email
  • Mobile Phone
  • Mail Code
  • Education
  • Links
  • Profile Link

Using the Person Importer

  1. In the Administrative Toolbar, select Manage (if needed), then hover over Configuration > Importers and click Person Importer.
  2. Expand Authorization and enter your authentication information (CAP Username and CAP Password) for the CAP API. If you don't have these credentials yet, you can file a ServiceNow request
    • Note: If this is the first time you are setting up the importer, to access all the available options, you may need to save the page after entering your username and password.
  3. You have the following options for importing person profiles: by organization, by workgroup, or by SUNetID.
    • To import profiles from an organization:
      1. In the field under the Organizations table, start typing an organization name to get suggestions.
      2. To add additional organizations to your Person Importer, click Add another item.
    • To import profiles from an workgroup:
      1. In the field under the Workgroup table, enter the name of the workgroup you wish to import. If you are having issues with adding a workgroup, it could be because:
        • Incorrect spelling of workgroup
        • The workgroup added was a personal workgroup, which are not supported via the CAP API
      2. To add additional workgroups to your Person Importer, click Add another item.
    • To import profiles by SUNetID:
      1. In the field under the SUNetID table, enter the user's SunetID to import.
      2. To add additional SUNetID’s to your Person Importer, click Add another item.
  4. Once you are satisfied with your import selections, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.

Forcing an immediate import

The Stanford Person Importer automatically imports twice per day. However, you can force an import. Please note that depending on the number of profiles you are importing this may take time.

  1. In the Administrative Toolbar, select Manage (if needed), then hover over Configuration and click Importers.
  2. Under the Importer table, click the Import button that appears on the same line as the Stanford Person Importer.

Editing profiles imported by the Person Importer

Though all of the imported data fields must be edited directly from Stanford Profiles (and are hidden locally), additional details can still be added to a person’s local profile if desired. To accomplish this, follow the steps outlined below.

Navigate to the edit page for the imported profile. You can update the following:

  • In the Taxonomy section, add Person Type & Group. Filling out this field will allow the person to be included in the “Person Type” filter on the Person List page.
  • In the Bio & Content field, add additional paragraphs as desired. Note: This will not replace any imported data (e.g. adding a bio here would not affect a bio coming from the importer - they both would be displayed on that person’s profile page).
  • Continue adding Telephone, Fax, Location Name and Address, Map URL, Research Interests/Highlights, and Stanford Affiliation fields as desired.

Remember to click Save when you have completed your edits.


Person in a workgroup is not importing.
The most common cause of a profile not importing is due to the profile not being set to public on CAP ( Go to without logging in to see if they have a profile. The user will need to go into to set their profile to public. The next common issue is the workgroup is set to private. Private workgroups will NOT be recognized by the importer. All workgroups must be public. 

Person added via individual SUNet ID is not importing.
The most common cause of missing people is that they do not have a public profile. Check without being logged in to see if they have a profile. If they do have a profile, check that the SUNet ID that you are using is their SUNet, and not an email alias. The Stanford-Only view of StanfordWho is a good source of information for SUNet IDs.

Imported pages are unpublished.
If you import a person pages and they are unpublished, delete those person pages and force an immediate import. The next import will show a published person pages.

When I import the images, people's heads are not centered in the image or are clipped.
This happens when the photo used on Stanford Profiles (CAP) at does not have the person’s head centered in the frame. CAP recommends that you replace the photo with another where their head is more centered vertically.

I added a workgroup to import profile information and updated the images to some of the profiles, but those changes have reverted back.
The daily workgroup import will override any images you upload. As a work around, you will need to remove the workgroup after you change the image. Canceling the import will allow your changes to be saved.

I tried to update my StanfordYou privacy settings and my changes did not import.
We do not use Stanfordyou to import your profile. We use Stanford Profiles (CAP) at The user's CAP profile on must be set to 'public' in order for the import to function correctly.


Related Topics

The People List page displays a listing of the people in your organization, and is dynamically generated from existing or imported content on your site.
Person profiles can be added locally to your website, or can be configured to integrate with your organization’s Stanford Profiles