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People List Page

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The People List page displays a filterable listing of the people in your organization, and is dynamically generated from existing or imported content on your site. This page also allows you to further filter Person Profile pages according to their Person Type.

The People List page can be found by visiting [your site url]/people

If you do not wish to use this page, you may take it out of the menu and unpublish it.

How this page works

 We have an example People List page on this site that lists all of Stanford Web Services. The People List page has the following features:

  • The People List page will automatically show a teaser for all published Person Profile content on your site. 
  • The first level of Person Type taxonomy will be used as the filters in the sidebar. 
  • The order of the filters is controlled by the Person Type taxonomy order.
  • Person Profiles are sorted alphabetically. 
  • A load more button will display for results over 20 results
  • The page is a Basic Page. If you wish to add other Paragraphs to the page, you may. You may also change the page title.
  • You may change the page path. However, you may wish to leave it in place so that it is consistent with your filtered pages.
  • You may place it in the navigation as you would any other Basic Page.

How the filtered displays work

Each filter creates a new automated page that shows only the content that meets the filter criteria. You can see an example of a filtered People page on our Project Management page. These pages have the following features:

  • The second level of Person Type taxonomy can be used to group people the filtered versions of the page. You can see an example of that on the Developers page. Person Profiles are sorted alphabetically within those groups (if they exist.)
  • These pages always have the URL of /people/[term-name]. You can use these to link your site visitors directly to a filtered view.
  • The page titles are not editable.
  • These pages are not placed in the navigation using the standard method. If you wish to have them in your menu, you would need to add them as a custom item.
  • If you wish to have text at the beginning of the page, you can add it in the Description field on the Person Type taxonomy. It is not possible to add other paragraphs to these pages.

If you do not want a filter on your People page

If you do not wish to use the filtered view. You can simply unpublish the page.  We recommend you do not delete the page in the event you wish to use it later.

If you wish to use the URL /people, but do not wish to use the filter, there are a few extra steps to follow:

  1. Edit the URL alias on the People List page so that it is not automatically generated. You can call it something like /people-old. Save the page.
  1. Edit the URL redirects to remove the automatic /people redirect that is created.
  1. Unpublish the People List page. 

You can then create a new page and use the title People. If you still wish the page to automatically show a list of your people, you can use the Lists Paragraph.


Can you have two different person types on a list?

Yes, you can add more than one person taxonomy by using a comma in between each argument. (e.g., diversity-access,ombudsperson )

Related Topics

Person profiles can be added locally to your website, or can be configured to integrate with your organization’s Stanford Profiles