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Create List of Basic Pages by Basic Page Type

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Create list pages for the Basic Page Type

Unlike Events, News, or and other structured content types, there is not an automatic filtered list page for Basic Pages. You can still tag and display Basic Pages to create lists using the Lists Paragraph

Basic Page Lists currently only support filtered versions of the basic page list. You must add an argument as metadata to generate a list. Learn more about adding metadata to a basic page.

Add Basic Page terms to your site

To create categories and labels for Basic Pages start by adding terms into Basic Page Type vocabulary set.

Screenshot illustrating where to create categories and labels for Basic Pages

Add metadata to your Basic Page

Use the Page Metadata section on a Basic Page to categorize it with a term and page description.

  1. To categorize your Basic Page, select the appropriate term from the Basic Page Type dropdown.  
Screenshot illustrating where to categorize Basic Pages with the appropriate type term

2. Add a Page Description. The page description only displays on list paragraphs, not the node page. This is an accessibility best practice. Without it, Siteimprove reports Content missing after heading on list paragraphs.

Display a List paragraph

To display your selected Basic Pages use a List Paragraph on the designated page. See Create a custom list filtered by taxonomy terms

  1. Use the List Paragraph to create a list of Basic Pages categorized by your chosen shared tag.
  2. Add your desired shared tag in Advanced Options > Arguments.
Screenshot illustrating where to add your desired shared tag

3. Click Continue and Save.

Inspect your work! The visitor will see a list of Basic Pages based on the term:

example list of Basic Page Type

You can create additional list pages of each term. For example, “Projects” can be filtered further to “Botanical Flowers”, "Botanical Fruits", Botanical Plants".

Screenshot illustrating where to create additional list pages of each term

These list pages can be displayed with interactive elements such as side navigation, buttons, and a call to action.


List options

There are three options for Basic Page lists.

  • Default List. This is a list sorted in descending order by the creation date. This is handy for creating lists of recently updated pages.
  • Card Grid, Alphabetical Title Sort (asc). This is a card grid sorted alphabetically by title.
  • Card Grid, Creation Date Sort (desc). This is a card grid sorted in descending order by the creation date.

Related Topics

Use a Basic Page Type vocabulary set to create terms and categories for any Basic Page.
Metadata is information you can add about a page or other content. You can add an image and description for each page of your site.
Lists Paragraph Icon
The Lists Paragraph provides the ability to dynamically generate a list of content.